Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mug Shot Prep

So you need to make sure your next mug shot looks like Paris Hilton's or you want to glow in all the upcoming holiday party pics. What is the best way to make sure you glow brighter than the rest in the group? A facial of course, but regular facials are even a better plan. But that could get pricey. Not if you head to Chicago's Blo Salon and Day Spa before the month's end. The perfect facial here includes pore cleansing, exfoliation, masks, and massages to rejuvenate you for the coming hectic days. For a whole hour, you will get a customized service to make your skin look as fresh and new as possible. For $90 you will get to experience this two times. What a great deal, two days of relaxation for the price of one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great deal.