Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So the time has come for me to step out on my own and become the adult I have always dreamed of. I recently graduated college and have become a member of America’s vast work force. Going to school in Tennessee I was living off my parent’s money and enjoying the typical American College Experience. There were the football tailgates, sorority formals, Thursday nights down town etc. I was having the time of my life and not watching my pocketbook as closely as I should have been. But now reality hits.....

It is my time to start paying my way. At the beginning of next month I will be on my own in more ways than one. I will be moving into the big city trying to support myself and establish a place for me in society. Moving into the most expensive city in America an entry level salary is going to be the reality check that I desperately need. It is time for me to learn how to budget and truly know the meaning of a hard earned dollar.

Of course I can afford rent, but what about the extras? What will be left over for fun? Will I actually lose the weight I have so desperate tried to shed since puberty? Will I be forced into mandatory anorexia? I doubt it. Will my social life cease to exist? The purpose of me moving into the city is to have one; another weekend in suburbia may force me to go insane.

This brings me to my mission. I am going to live the life of a fashionista, celebutant, socialite, you name it, without going into debt. I may not have the latest Seven Jeans or Christian Loubutain heels but I am going to find the best alternative. Sipping champagne at Buddahkahn every weekend? It will be more along the lines of the occasional appearance on a special night out. However there are countless inexpensive gems in this city, and I am going to unearth them. With the money I have saved I maybe able to eat a balanced meal or slip into some Lavin flats. I am going to find a way to live the life….on a budget!


Anonymous said...

Good for you!! There's still ways to have fun without spending tons of money! You'll do it (:

When I got out of college a friend and I would go to Tim Hortons and buy a tea...actually, we would get free hot water and add our own tea bag so we could feel like we were getting the Tim's experience still but not spend the money (:

Anonymous said...
