Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sweet and Beachy

It may not exactly be the time for ice cream, but I hear in LA the mercury never dips below 70.  So maybe I need to try it out for a bit.  To be honest, when it gets to be negative 50 in New York as long as I am cozies up in my apartment I won't hesitate to grab a spoon and a pint.  So whats stopping me?  Nothing.  This is why I may book the next budget fair to LaLa Land for this confection.  Why would I cross the country for one of Beachy Cream's Ice Cream Sandwiches.  Hello there is ice cream and their are cookies; what more could a girl ask for?  Taking organic, sustainable, local ingredients Beachy Cream whips up interesting concoctions.  There is the Key Lime Cowabunga which is a refreshing Key Lime ice cream smushed between two coconut oatmeal cookie.  Hello, Caribbean vacation!  Our Strawberry Surfer Girl is sugar cookies with a strawberry balsamic swirl.  Those are just two I would hoover down once I got my hands on them.  You can pick up your choices at various locations or follow the cart on twitter.  Unlike your childhood memories, the cookie probably won't stick to your fingers.     
Image via Beachy Cream

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