Thursday, May 21, 2009

Recycle Your Soapbox

So everyone is perched high on their soapbox preaching about how its time to start living green. Well take a step down and start practicing what you preach. Check out New Soap, Old Bottle, where they take bottles that most people throw out (but should recycle) and repurpose them for you to use for your household chores. This site sells liquid soaps and cleansers packaged in old soda and beer bottles. Of course all bottles are cleaned, and sanitized to be used in the safety of your own home. The options run from 2 liter bottles full of soap to wash your car, to a 20oz former coke bottle of hand soap. All items are filled with name brand products that the company buys by the vat load. Prices are the same as what you find in stores, so there is no difference in price. All come with child safe caps, so there is no need to worry that little Jimmy is going to drink the windex because he thinks it is Mountain Dew. Most of the bottles do not exactly go with most decor though. But since most of these products go under the sink, does it really mater what they look like?


Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!!!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What a fabulous idea!